why change?
  today's errors
  the new principles
  the six powers
  the constitution
  the second vote
  secondary points
  to short version

3. What is wrong with today's democracy?

1. No separation between the three democratic branches of authority. Members of
    parliament become members of government, the judiciary is part of the
    executive branch, etc, etc. All of you can find these links in your own country's
    governmental system

2. No connection between citizens and elected representatives. In many countries
    members on the lists of parties for elections are chosen in backrooms by party
    hacks. When chosen the elected representative does not bother to connect to his
    constitution, he is to busy making deals. Many other ways exist to disconnect
    representatives from their constituency.

3. No real control over “government”. How many of you remember
    governments keeping their election promises? What can you do about it? Nothing!

4. No connection between decisions and executing. Many a grandiose project is
    pressed through government, started some years later, finished many, many years
    later, with monstrous, never intended, expenses. In many cases later it is shown
    that the project was totally unneeded from the beginning. Look around you
    and you will find them.

5. No equality before the Law. I would like to see the bus driver standing up in court
    and demand to be freed from trial of dead by accident in a car crash. On the basis
    that parliamentarians have those rights. "Didn't he have the accident while
    on the job?"

6. No control over “governmental” spending. All of us know about governmental
    projects. Usually they overgrow their budgets by hundreds of percents.
    With no control at all where the money went.

7. No control over the governmental administration. When I went to first grade
    administration was about one to two hours a months per student, today it is
    multiplied by thousand. But the standard of teaching has gone down. The same
    in health care, police work, etc, etc

8. Unbridled capitalism, an enemy of democracy. This is one of my pet subjects.
    All of us agree that money is power. Is it not so that democracy is all about
    free civilians making free choices. So if we do not take care that enough civilians
    are economically safe we have no democracy. This can, in my view, only be done
    by limiting upper class income and wealth. Now you will say: "What about
    personal freedom to earn a living?" And I will answer: "Look at our speed limits.
    Why am I not allowed driving the speed I wish?"You see, society has the right to
    limit personal freedom if it is needed for the safety of society and the persons living
    in it. I believe an upper limit on wealth is a basic requirement for the survival of
    democracy, or in other words: If society's riches are not spread in a reasonable
    way, so as to provide a big strong middle class, democracy will collapse.

9. The law abiding citizen is (feels) unprotected. Look around you at the new
    “rich peoples” neighborhoods, with their fences and armed guards. Remember
    those castles from the Middle Ages, in which the aristocracy lived. One of the
    growing sectors in the world economy is the private security forces. Quickly
    creating private armies, just like medieval robber barons. If the upper echelons
    of society feel insecure it is easily understood why the regular civilian feels
    insecure too.

10. Government” is in the hands of a few. Only the really rich can dream of
    becoming the president of the U.S.A. Look at the last 15 or so presidents in
    American history. President Lincoln’s story: the poor man's son who became a
    lawyer and one of America's most important presidents will never be repeated.
    Only sons of the rich or today's professional politicians can enter politics and
    hope to reach the top. Also a few who enter politics as a profession in their youth
    will succeed, mostly students with, reasonable economically sound parents.
    (But the questions remain how free is an American (French,..) President, after
    receiving hundreds of millions for his election?)

11. Law’s are created for convenience (of the few). I can only say I know of one or
    two instances where this happened in Israel, but I believe this is a universal
    phenomena. Just look into your countries history and you will find this also.
    You have just to look through the packaging around it.

12. Too close a connection between government and the “lord’s of commerce”. They
    wine and dine together, many a politician comes from rich, super rich, background.
    Or is subsidized by the rich. You, the single middle class civilian, have no change
    against them. Only when you become a big group of middle class civilians do you
    have a chance.

13. Nobody takes responsibility. Look around you. If you find one you should
    nominate him for the Nobel price for "Democratic Behavior" I am doubtful if you
    will find him. Remember all the wrecked governmental projects lying around you.

These, and others, are common wrong’s in all modern western democratic societies, without relation to the different democratic style used in those societies.

So don't feel frustrated when you think about your governmental behavior, we all are in the same mess

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Updated:06/02/12 Copyright: The "Three to Six" Foundation
Website created by: Meir A. Sprecher